Rugby WA is focusing attention on the presence and correct use of Technical Zones on the field sidelines. These technical zones should conform to World Rugby and USARugby specifications – see the Law Book for details.
At all games played under Rugby WA jurisdiction the home/host organization will be responsible for the presence and use of Technical Zones. Rugby WA has instructed referees not to start games unless Technical Zones are in place and in use and failure to provide technical zones may render the home/host organization to be at risk for sanctions.
At games under Rugby WA jurisdiction the rules for the use of Technical Zones should be observed by all players, coaches and organization personnel. Failure to observe the Technical Zone rules will result in reporting to Rugby WA and the Disciplinary Committee with the transgressors being liable, on a case by case basis, to sanctions.
To help fulfill this stated purpose, to partner with Rugby WA in its initiatives and assist youth rugby organizations in complying with Rugby WA initiatives, SRF is proposing to supply each Rugby WA youth rugby organization with “Technical Zone Kits”. Each kit will consist of 2 X 6 posts and base plates and rope joining the posts to form a perimeter of 3m X 15 m long, i.e. conforms to World Rugby and USA Rugby specifications and may be used on grass or artificial surfaces. These Technical Zone Kits will be supplied to youth rugby organizations by SRF early in the New Year at no cost, on the receipt of a written or email request from the organization to SRF for Technical Zone Kits.
If your YRO wishes to take advantage of this offer please contact the SRF President Peter Buckley (, 206 661 8356). Provide a name, mobile number, email address and a mailing address to which the Technical Zone Kit may be sent or a means of delivery.
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